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Department of Business and Economics

Digital Leadership und Innovation

Modul: Innovationsmanagement III
Lecturer:  JProf. Dr. Simon Hensellek
Size / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Event Type: Lecture and Exercise
Language: German (Literature partly in English)
Date and Location: Lecture Tuesday, 12:00 - 14:00, Mathematik - E 28
Exercise Thursday, 12:00 - 14:00, Zoom | Hörsaalgebäude II - HS 4
Start: Lecture Tuesday, 16.04.2024
Exercise Thursday, 18.04.2024
Examination: Presentation (50%) + Oral Exam (50%)
Cycle: Summer Term


The megatrend of digitization poses major challenges for many companies in order to keep up with the high pace of innovation in the digital realm. The event deals with the basics of successful leadership in the digital age and how this can increase the innovative power of companies. Against the background of classic and modern leadership concepts (e.g. transactional, transformational and entrepreneurial leadership), students will be taught the concept of "Digital Leadership", in particular with its following four central elements:

  1. Digital Skillset
  2. Digital Mindset
  3. Digital Execution
  4. Digital Vision

Based on this knowledge, students will learn how leaders can navigate their companies through today's volatile and dynamic environment by actively involving their employees and customers in the digital culture change. The resulting implications for the innovation capability (e.g. ambidexterity) and the innovation process (e.g. open innovation) of companies will be highlighted. The theoretical content (lecture) will be linked with current examples and best practices (exercise).

Registration modalities

For the summer term 2024, 50 participants will be admitted for the module "Digital Leadership und Innovation". The registration window starts on 03.04.2024 at 8:00am and is open until 10.04.2024 at 23:59pm. Module places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, we recommend early registration during the registration period via moodle

Please note: A binding registration must be submitted within the registration period via Moodle. In the summer semester of 2024, as part of an EU funding project, registration also requires filling out a short questionnaire, as well as completing two additional questionnaires over the course of the semester. You will receive a fourth questionnaire a few months after completing the module.

The enrollment key for the moodle room is: DLI-SS24

There will probably be a move-up procedure after the end of the initial registration. Further information will be published here in due course.